Celebrate Black History Month with Pelmorex: Nadine Hinds-Powell

To celebrate Black History Month, The Weather Network is profiling an employee who helps bring weather information and products to you, our users across all platforms.

Nadine Hinds-Powell is a Video Meteorologist and has been in the industry for over 27 years.

A proud Trinidadian, Nadine has made two big moves in her life. She went to school in Jamaica, where she met her husband, and in 2002, Nadine and her family made the decision to move to Canada. She quickly found a job once they settled in Canada and she has been with The Weather Network for over 13 years.

Nadine believes that representation matters, especially for people of colour and women. She has never let a lack of representation stop her and advises others to not be discouraged from following their goals.

Watch the video above to see Nadine Hinds-Powell talk about her experiences.