Rare yellow turtle spotted in India

A rare yellow turtle has become an internet sensation after it seen in India Sunday.

According to Reuters, residents spotted the rare yellow turtle in the video above in Balasore city and turned it over to forest officials, who believe the colouring is due to an albino mutation of a common turtle.

"This turtle that was rescued, its skull and body are yellow, truly it is very rare. I have not seen such a turtle in my life ever," wildlife warden, Bhanoomitra Acharya told Reuters.

Many species of turtles, especially sea turtles, are considered endangered and are protected.


Albinism is a genetic disorder that causes little to no pigment in the skin, eyes, and hair in humans and some animals. In other species, it can affect the fur, feathers, or scales.

The reason the turtle in the video above appears yellow is because some non-mammals species can produce other pigments, in addition to melanin.